Mexico Newsletter —
April 2025
Easter Holiday; Important updates about residency; Coping in the dry season; Approaches to (re)forming a lifestyle in Mexico; Home rentals; vaping outlawed...
Inspiration, insight and connections to experience more of Mexico
Easter Holiday; Important updates about residency; Coping in the dry season; Approaches to (re)forming a lifestyle in Mexico; Home rentals; vaping outlawed...
Mexico’s mainland seasonal rains begin in May or June and run through to October —sometimes spilling into November— and are a treat to experience and enjoy
Whether you rent or own in Mexico, third-party coverage can mitigate the cost of accidents and liability when a housekeeper or others are working in your home
When you plan to apply for legal residency in Mexico, this assistance service facilitates your first-time application through every stage of the process
Comprehensive guides for living, lifestyles, and retirement in Mexico that help you make considered choices. Free and open to all readers
What's motivating your move to Mexico, and what are the fundamental choices you'll need to make as you begin to paint (or repaint) your lifestyle canvass here?
You can improve your language conversation skills and build confidence speaking Spanish with this interactive and personalized online course
We work with established associates that provide support and assistance to help you realize your Mexico lifestyle and leisure plans
David Lida, author and long-term resident of Mexico City, offers custom walking tours that will help you to discover and experience the capital's vibrant energy
Obtain assistance with a Mexico residency application as the spouse/partner of Mexican national/foreign resident, or with certain other family connections
Being properly insured when you drive in Mexico provides coverage against financial loss, and also practical and legal support in stressful circumstances
Local power cuts are a regular feature in Mexico, especially during thunderstorms and wind storms. Some forward planning can help to mitigate potential problems