Living & Lifestyle

Mexico Newsletter —
October 2024

Season & Clock changes; Appointments at Immigration offices; Autumn festivities; Overwintering in Mexico; Moving logistics; Internet without wires; and more...

Mexico Letter Box

Your monthly Mexico newsletter is filled with inspiration, meaningful knowledge, helpful connections, and tips for better living, lifestyle, and leisure in Mexico.

Lifestyle & Living insights for October

Insights and tips for better living, lifestyle, and leisure in Mexico.

Seasonal & Clock changes — October heralds an unmistakable transition from summer to autumn across Mexico, as temperatures cool along the coastal plains and lowlands, and early mornings and evenings begin to feel distinctly crisp at higher elevations. Most of Mexico no longer moves its clocks, but clock changes elsewhere will create time differences you may need to take into account from late October onwards.

Voting in US Elections from Mexico

Some readers have been emailing us to ask about how to vote in the US November elections from Mexico. US Citizens living in Mexico who want to cast votes in US elections should visit this page on the US embassy website for information and guidance.

Online booking at Immigration offices: Mexico’s INM (National Institute of Immigration) introduced an online appointments system in 2021, which was suspended in August 2022 for maintenance and improvement work.  The online appointments system was reintroduced on Tuesday, September 17th 2024.  Learn about how the online booking system is working.

Day of the Dead: Preparations are being made for one of the most important annual events on Mexico’s cultural calendar, Day of the Dead, on November 1st and 2nd.  This year, the dates fall over a weekend. If you live in Mexico, consider stocking up on some sweet treats as children may be calling door-to-door around their local neighborhoods during late October asking for their Calaverita to be fed.

Overwintering in Mexico: Most of the people who live in Mexico on a part-time basis arrive during the fall season to spend winters and early spring here. Read tips and practical advice when you’re making preparations to overwinter in Mexico.

Road trips in Mexico this fall:  Our articles and insights about driving in Mexico share key things you need to know before you hit the road; and our guide to auto insurance will help you to get the coverage you need for peace of mind when you’re driving, that can include coverage for vehicle breakdown assistance.

Get an online quote for Mexico Auto Insurance

Insurance provided by our partners MexPro Insurance offer coverages using only A-rated insurers for vehicles, motorcycles, RVs, ATV/UTV, and towed units.  Coverages can include essential vehicle breakdown assistance. Get a quote and arrange coverage online.

Ancient Aztec steam bath: Discover an ancient steam-bath ritual that offers an invigorating physical experience combined with ceremonial elements that support the mind and spirit.

Applying for residency in Mexico — When you’re intending to apply for a residency permit, our guide to first time applications for residency in Mexico offers a detailed overview of the process.  Our associates offer facilitation through their first-time application support service.

Immigration Assistance

When you need assistance and practical support with a Mexico residency permit application, renewal, exchange, or troubleshooting—our associates can help.  The service saves you time and helps avoid common mistakes made by applicants.

Learn more about how the service saves you time and helps avoid common mistakes made by applicants.

Monarch butterflies arrive in November — Mexico is host to the extraordinary Monarch Butterflies that migrate each year from the northern reaches of the continent to overwinter in the Oyamel fir tree forests situated in the mountains west of Mexico City.  Our associate can organize a custom tour for you to witness this extraordinary phenomenon.

The logistics of moving to Mexico — When you’ve decided to make a move to Mexico, our detailed checklist of actions and timelines helps you to plan and organize the logistics of your move.

Insurance coverages for your lifestyle in Mexico

Learn about insurance coverages to support your lifestyle in Mexico and get quotes online for insurance services that can mitigate the economic effects of unforeseen events and provide practical and legal support through what can often be difficult situations.

Wireless vs Satellite internet access — If your home is situated somewhere in Mexico where wired internet services are unreliable or unavailable, you can consider getting internet access wirelessly.  There are two ways to do this: using wireless modem that takes a signal from the cellphone network, or via satellite.

Property: Legal Title vs Possession — Some property transfers in Mexico offer possession but not legal title; this article describes the differences and the practicalities of buying and selling untitled land.

Property and real estate in Mexico

Our guide to real estate in Mexico is thorough, extensive—and continually updated.

Learn about working with realty agents and find an agent to work with.

Consider having your property transaction independently examined.

Discover other professional service providers.

Autumn Leisure Tours in Mexico

Plan your fall/winter visit to the butterfly sanctuaries:  The Monarch Butterflies return to the Oyamel fir tree forests situated in the mountains west of Mexico City, and if you’ve been intending to witness this extraordinary natural phenomenon (or return to see it again!) our travel associate can help you plan your visit.

Benefits of a custom made leisure tour

Whether you’re visiting Mexico for a short vacation or living here and seeking to discover more of the the country you’ve adopted as your home, a custom tour enables you to make the most of your leisure time and absorb the experience of the activity instead of grappling with the details and logistics.

We work with travel partners who know Mexico intimately and craft custom tours that offer a distinctive alternative to the banalities of mass tourism. Our section about Custom Tours of Mexico helps you to discover choices and connect with travel specialists who can help you to craft your customized trip.

Mexico Living & Lifestyle Essentials

Guides and updates for everyday living & lifestyle in Mexico.

Roadcraft — Browse our extensive insights about driving & road trips in Mexico. Learn about being properly insured for the journey.

Insights and advice for safe and enjoyable road trips across Mexico

Learn about being properly insured when you drive in Mexico to cover liabilities, breakdowns, and medical incidents while you’re on the road.  Get a quote now and arrange coverage online.

Immigration & Residency — Mexperience publishes detailed and regularly updated information about residency in Mexico.  Learn about how to apply, and how to manage your residency card and status. Obtain tele-assistance or accompanied assistance to help with the procedures and filing.

House & Home — Our guide to Mexico real estate is the most comprehensive you’ll find. When you buy or rent a home here, learn about how to keep it well cared for with our articles about Home Stewardship.  Also learn how to keep your dwelling spaces adequately secured and properly insured.

Health & Wellbeing — Read tips & insights for health and wellness in Mexico.  Learn about health insurance options.  Get a quote for private health insurance.

Money & Banking — Our complete and regularly updated guide to money and banking in Mexico helps you to learn about Mexico’s peso, open and manage a local bank account, make money transfers, use bank cards, and deal with everyday financial matters in Mexico.

Insurance coverages for your lifestyle in Mexico

Connect to our insurance associates and get quotes online for essential insurance services that can mitigate the economic effects of unforeseen events and provide practical support through what are often difficult situations.

What to look for in an auto insurance policy for Mexico

Tips for arranging home insurance coverage in Mexico

Health cover: review your options for healthcare in Mexico

Visiting or living here part-time? Medical evacuation may help

Discover More of Mexico

Mexperience accompanies you throughout your journey.

When you’re looking for a new lifestyle in Mexico, Mexperience is with you at every step—from those first key decisions about moving, to settling-in and cultivating a fruitful lifestyle everyday.  And when you need time away for leisure and recreation, we help you to discover & arrange meaningful leisure experiences.

Topic Mexperience Sections
Mexico Lifestyles Living & Lifestyles Guide | Lifestyle Planning

Living in Mexico | Retirement in Mexico

Cost of Living | Money & Finances

Health & Wellbeing

Residency Routes to Residency | How to Apply

Managing Your Card & Status

Get Assistance

House & Home Mexico Real Estate Guide—Buying, Renting, Owning, Selling

Home Stewardship | Home Life

Home Maintenance & Security | Home Insurance

Transport & Communications Driving | Auto Insurance

Flying | Buses | Taxis | Getting Around

Wifi & Internet | Telephones

Leisure & Recreation Travel Inspiration | Travel Destinations

Custom Tours

Driving & Road Trips | Car Rental

Learning Spanish Why Spanish? | Spanish in Mexico

PinPoint Spanish Series

Language Courses

Assistance Connect to Helpful Assistance Services
Lexica Explore Mexico A-to-Z

Drive properly insured in Mexico

Learn about being properly insured when you drive in Mexico to cover liabilities, breakdowns, and medical incidents while you’re on the road.

Get a quote now and arrange coverage online

Home and property insurance

Whether you own or rent a house in Mexico, a home insurance policy can provide essential support in the event of troublesome circumstances including structural damage, floods, burglary, and events that affect third parties.  Learn about insurance policies to protect your home in Mexico.

Home insurance: Get an online quote and arrange instant coverage.

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Our free newsletter about Mexico brings you a monthly round-up of recently published stories and opportunities, as well as gems from our archives.