The Typical Costs of Running Your Own Car in Mexico
Having and driving your own car in Mexico gives you a lot of transport flexibility. This article describes the costs of owning and running a car in Mexico
Guides and articles about driving and planning for safe and enjoyable road trips in Mexico
Guides and articles about driving and planning for safe and enjoyable road trips in Mexico
Having and driving your own car in Mexico gives you a lot of transport flexibility. This article describes the costs of owning and running a car in Mexico
You need to obtain a Temporary Import Permit to drive a foreign-plated vehicle into Mexico. This article answers commonly-asked questions about a vehicle TIP
Most road trips in Mexico pass by trouble-free. This article shares practical tips to help avoid common hazards that drivers may encounter on the road in Mexico
These are the most frequently-asked questions we receive about importing foreign-plated cars and other vehicles to Mexico—updated regularly
Even today with many modern roads and bridges putting a first-world stamp on major cities, Mexico still has some notorious sign posting
When you bring your vehicle to Mexico, be aware that no US or Canadian auto insurance provides the coverage you really need—liability to third parties
Detailed articles packed with local knowledge and insights for anyone who intends to drive in or take a road trip across Mexico
While most road trips in Mexico are trouble-free, accidents do happen and this article describes what to do if you become involved in a road traffic accident
Mexico's toll roads offer fast and efficient highway connections between major Mexican towns and cities. This article describes how to access and pay for them
When you're driving your car or taking a road trip across Mexico, eventually you'll need to use a service station. This article shares helpful tips for drivers.
Spanish offers a potpourri of different terms to describe paths, streets, roads, and highways. This article provides a practical primer to help you get around
Car thieves operate everywhere; this article shares helpful tips and insights to help keep your vehicle and its possessions secure when you're driving in Mexico