Cultivating Your Social and Community Network in Mexico
Common routes and approaches that foreign residents use to discover and cultivate new connections and friendships as part of their lifestyle in Mexico
Articles, advice and connections to help you live in Mexico
Articles, advice and connections to help you live in Mexico
Common routes and approaches that foreign residents use to discover and cultivate new connections and friendships as part of their lifestyle in Mexico
Explore the importance of purpose and routines to find your balance —and how to spot common risks and pitfalls— as you settle-in to your new lifestyle in Mexico
Practical advice, insights, and resources to help you prepare for the initial period of adaption as you move and settle-in to your new lifestyle in Mexico
The weather and local climates affect us in many ways, everyday. It's therefore worth choosing a location in Mexico where you'll feel comfortable all year round
You'll need to find suitable accommodations when you move to Mexico. This article explores the choices and practicalities involved in finding a home
Key factors and choices to contemplate as you shortlist potential places to live in Mexico and consider how they may suit your lifestyle needs
Local power cuts are a regular feature in Mexico, especially during thunderstorms and wind storms. Some forward planning can help to mitigate potential problems
By making adequate plans for the inevitable, your assets will be administered according to your wishes and your interests will be better served
One way to get to know some of your neighbors and make new friends in Mexico is to keep a dog and take it on frequent sallies to the park
Being able to speak Spanish in everyday life situations when you're in Mexico will significantly enhance your lifestyle experience and help you to settle well
Learn about common approaches to retirement in Mexico, and get some inspiration by discovering lifestyles and pastimes retirees in Mexico come here to enjoy
UMA is replacing Mexico's 'minimum wage' as a basis for official calculations. This article describes how it affects applications for legal residency.