Enjoying the New Year’s Eve Celebrations in Mexico
The Guadalupe-Reyes festive period continues after Christmas in Mexico with ample opportunities to celebrate and welcome-in the New Year
Articles about local customs and traditions in Mexico
Articles about local customs and traditions in Mexico
The Guadalupe-Reyes festive period continues after Christmas in Mexico with ample opportunities to celebrate and welcome-in the New Year
Mexico has always been a country to assimilate foreign things without giving up its own identity, often putting a particularly Mexican stamp on them
A word that crops up quite frequently in Mexico during election seasons is "palero"
This guide gives and overview and introduction to Mexico's modern-day society and cultural norms
Merida, known as the “white city” is the capital of the state of Yucatan on Mexico’s south east peninsula. It is one of the only cities in Mexico–and the world–that still celebrates the medieval tradition of a carnival to provide people with fun and...
The international rumpus in 2011 over jokes about Mexicans made on the British television program Top Gear, and Mexico's reaction—probably overreaction—to some silly comments, may cause people to wonder whether Mexicans have a sense of humor, particularly about themselves.
How the Mexican tradition of the "puente" is capable of withstanding the modern industrialized bank holiday Monday
Starting this month, Mexico is introducing the concept of bank holiday Mondays, or long weekends. . . .