Regulating the Water Pressure in Your Mexican Home
The majority of Mexico's water delivery is not served by pressurized systems, requiring some ingenuity to create water pressure in your home or building
Local knowledge, ideas, and inspiration to help you create and settle-in well to your home living spaces in Mexico
Local knowledge, ideas, and inspiration to help you create and settle-in well to your home living spaces in Mexico
The majority of Mexico's water delivery is not served by pressurized systems, requiring some ingenuity to create water pressure in your home or building
It's prudent to take time and review the composition of your habitat and living spaces to mitigate the risk of damage and injury during an earthquake
If you're moving to Mexico from abroad, moving within Mexico, or leaving Mexico and taking your things, this article provides helpful tips to plan your move
Finding house keepers and other domestic helpers in Mexico, how they work, and responsibilities that come with having domestic helpers working at your home
Learn about the electricity supply in Mexico including connections, dealing with power cuts, current prices, paying bills, and reconnections if you're cut-off
Mexico operates a public healthcare program that provides defined healthcare services to payroll employees as well others who voluntarily enroll in the system
Discover the rules for visitors and foreign residents driving foreign-plated vehicles in Mexico—as well as for Mexicans driving foreign-plated vehicles here
A brief glance back over 70 years of exchange rate fluctuations reveals a pattern that's woven into the tapestry of Mexico’s peso
When you’re taking a road trip in Mexico, you often have a choice about which road to take: the freeway or the toll road or highway.
If you enjoy preparing your own food, you'll need to take into consideration the effect higher elevation has on boiling, cooking, and baking in Mexico
Mexico has plenty of property for rent, although finding a rental home in the right location that's also adequate for your needs requires planning and effort
Mexico traditionally closes out its festive season known as 'Guadalupe-Reyes' on January 6th —"Día de Reyes"— Kings' Day.