Hiring Housekeepers & Other Domestic Helpers in Mexico
Finding house keepers and other domestic helpers in Mexico, how they work, and responsibilities that come with having domestic helpers working at your home
Local knowledge, ideas, and inspiration to help you create and settle-in well to your home living spaces in Mexico
Local knowledge, ideas, and inspiration to help you create and settle-in well to your home living spaces in Mexico
Finding house keepers and other domestic helpers in Mexico, how they work, and responsibilities that come with having domestic helpers working at your home
Learn about the electricity supply in Mexico including connections, dealing with power cuts, current prices, paying bills, and reconnections if you're cut-off
Mexico operates a public healthcare program that provides defined healthcare services to payroll employees as well others who voluntarily enroll in the system
A brief glance back over 70 years of exchange rate fluctuations reveals a pattern that's woven into the tapestry of Mexico’s peso
When you’re taking a road trip in Mexico, you often have a choice about which road to take: the freeway or the toll road or highway.
If you enjoy preparing your own food, you'll need to take into consideration the effect higher elevation has on boiling, cooking, and baking in Mexico
Mexico traditionally closes out its festive season known as 'Guadalupe-Reyes' on January 6th —"Día de Reyes"— Kings' Day.
Common routes and approaches that foreign residents use to discover and cultivate new connections and friendships as part of their lifestyle in Mexico
Explore the importance of purpose and routines to find your balance —and how to spot common risks and pitfalls— as you settle-in to your new lifestyle in Mexico
Practical advice, insights, and resources to help you prepare for the initial period of adaption as you move and settle-in to your new lifestyle in Mexico
Investing in a high quality hammock will be a pleasure to use and provide years of restful service in your home. This article shares tips for buyers
Local power cuts are a regular feature in Mexico, especially during thunderstorms and wind storms. Some forward planning can help to mitigate potential problems