Discovering Daily Mexican Meals and Meal Times
Breakfasts are famously hearty in Mexico, especially at weekend gatherings, whereas other meals depend more on people's schedules and eating habits
Learn about the context and nuances of Mexican Spanish language usage with this PinPoint Spanish series
Learn about the context and nuances of Mexican Spanish language usage with this PinPoint Spanish series
Breakfasts are famously hearty in Mexico, especially at weekend gatherings, whereas other meals depend more on people's schedules and eating habits
In a day and age when the seven deadly sins are fully operative at home and abroad, it makes sense to include them in the language syllabus
You shouldn't have to spend too long in Mexico before coming across the terms "naco" and its social opposite, the dainty "fresa"
Explaining the difference between "bring" and "take," and when to use one and when the other
Mexican Spanish makes use of a good number of euphemisms, which play along well with Mexico's penchant for polite language
An exploration of the complexities that exist in Spanish surrounding the use of the terms "there is," "there are," and "to have"
Some complications arise with object pronouns in Spanish when you're dealing with third persons singular and plural
Standard abbreviations for a wide, and growing, variety of words are as much a part of Mexican Spanish as they are in English
In Spanish, feminine words end in an 'a' and masculine words in an 'o', and so do corresponding adjectives—but there are a number of exceptions
Adjectives can be hard to place in Spanish. Here are a few tips to guide your arrangements.
Spanish language students seeking an armory of fancy words need look no further than the opinion columns of Mexico's principal newspapers
Mexico has a wide variety of sayings, maxims, or phrases intended to convey truth or natural wisdom that admits no argument