The Enjoyment of Mexico’s Refreshing Rainy Season
Mexico's rainy season brings refreshment and color to the landscape. Rains begin in May/June and run to October each year; sometimes spilling into November
Articles and guides about Mexico’s rainy season
Articles and guides about Mexico’s rainy season
Mexico's rainy season brings refreshment and color to the landscape. Rains begin in May/June and run to October each year; sometimes spilling into November
Wind storms in Mexico can be mystical: appearing suddenly, transforming a perfectly still day or night—and vanishing abruptly
This article shares practical advice and tips for dealing effectively with mosquitoes when you're visiting or living in Mexico
Learn about the charms and living with the challenges of Mexico's rainy season that brings refreshment, color, vibrancy and new life to the landscape
Mexico’s mainland seasonal rains begin in May or June and run through to October —sometimes spilling into November— and are a treat to experience and enjoy
When you own or rent a home in Mexico, it’s important to know how the property is supplied by water, especially during the dry season
Local power cuts are a regular feature in Mexico, especially during thunderstorms and wind storms. Some forward planning can help to mitigate potential problems
Autumn temperatures along Mexico's coasts are usually pleasantly warm, and elevated areas inland can feel cooler, or cold overnight
Mexican summers bring high temperatures, refreshing —sometimes dramatic— rain storms, vibrant colorful landscapes, and fragrant floral scents
Mexico City's Metro system is an efficient way to get around the capital, but you may need to allow for longer journey times when it rains
Properties in urban areas are usually supplied by mains water, but properties elsewhere need to make alternative arrangements
The weather and climates in Mexico are affected by a combination of the season, what part of Mexico you are in, and what elevation is there