Regulating the Water Pressure in Your Mexican Home
The majority of Mexico's water delivery is not served by pressurized systems, requiring some ingenuity to create water pressure in your home or building
Guides and articles about drinking and using water in Mexico
Guides and articles about drinking and using water in Mexico
The majority of Mexico's water delivery is not served by pressurized systems, requiring some ingenuity to create water pressure in your home or building
Whether your tap water is drink-able in Mexico depends on several factors; most people use filtered or bottled water, some are confident drinking tap water
Homes in urban areas are usually connected to a mains sewer—but not always. Rural properties almost always use a septic tank situated on the property
When buying a home in Mexico, up-front costs will vary depending on the circumstances, although the ongoing costs of home ownership are affordable
When you own or rent a home in Mexico, it’s important to know how the property is supplied by water, especially during the dry season
There is nothing quite like having a swimming pool in your back garden to deliver immediate refreshment, fun for children, and healthy exercise
Properties in urban areas are usually supplied by mains water, but properties elsewhere need to make alternative arrangements
A case study about water heater use and maintenance in a typical Mexican home
Practical advice and local knowledge to help you prepare for your visit or move to Mexico